Jubilee 2010
On Monday 18th January 2010 at Wesley’s Chapel City Road, London EC1Y 1AU, between 12 noon and 1pm, The College of Preachers launched its Jubilee, its 50th Anniversary Year. At this church, historically associated with excellence in preaching, we.
- presented the findings of new research ‘THE VIEW FROM THE PEW – PREACHING ISN’T DEAD, BUT IT DOESN’T MOTIVATE
- launched a national ‘GOOD PREACHING PLEDGE’, which has the support of the Archbishops of Canterbury and Westminster and other church leaders
- gave details of other events planned for our Jubilee year, including
• a national pre-election conference, ‘Breaking News – the Bible among the Headlines’
• ‘festivals of preaching’ at Blackburn, Bristol and Coventry Cathedrals
• and the 2010 ‘YOUNG PREACHER OF THE YEAR COMPETITION’ in association with Premier Christian Radio.
Speakers on 18th January included.
- Lord (Rev. Dr. Leslie) Griffiths, Chairman of The College of Preachers
- Paul Johns, Director of The College of Preachers
- and Peter Kerridge, Chief Executive, Premier Christian Radio.