Sunday 11 February 2024 Next before Lent
Advancing racial justice: a call to unveil God’s glory
2 Kings 2:1–12, 2 Corinthians 4:3–6, and Mark 9:2–9
Context: racial justice sermon in a cathedral setting
Aim: to explore racial justice in the context of the call to preach
Today, we are exploring the themes of learning preaching and advancing racial justice. By reflecting on 2 Kings 2:1-12, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, and Mark 9:2-9, we uncover precious lessons that inspire us to be faithful preachers and advocates for racial equity.
The account of Elijah passing his mantle to Elisha teaches us profound principles of championing racial justice and how to share God’s glory. Elisha’s determination to follow Elijah demonstrates the importance of humility and teachability in our journey toward becoming effective preachers and advocates. Like Elisha, we must be willing to learn and grow. Elisha’s request for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit speaks to our need for spiritual empowerment in the pursuit of both preaching and racial justice. We require God’s anointing to proclaim His Word and advocate for justice boldly.
Crossing the Jordan River symbolises transition and transformation in our preaching and advocacy. We must be open to change, acknowledging that growth involves stepping into new territories, confronting racial injustices, and working for equity.
In Corinthians, Apostle Paul addresses spiritual blindness and the power of God’s light to remove veils. This passage offers vital insights into our roles as preachers and advocates for racial justice.
Paul acknowledges the existence of spiritual blindness that hinders people from seeing the truth of Christ. Similarly, we must recognise the reality of racial injustice and the systemic racism that often blinds society to its presence.
God’s light shines in our hearts to reveal His glory in the face of Jesus Christ. In the pursuit of racial justice, we must be bearers of this light, exposing injustice and advocating for equality. Our mission is to unveil God’s glory in all people, regardless of their ethnicity.
A young girl once asked a racial justice trainer ‘Miss who is black?’ She couldn’t understand why people were called black. If only we could unveil our personal biases, we would reveal God’s glory to those around us.
The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain in Mark holds profound implications for our understanding of racial justice and preaching.
Just as Jesus led His disciples to the mountain, we need moments of solitude and communion with God to prepare us for the work of racial justice and preaching. These encounters transform us, equipping us for the journey.
God’s voice affirmed Jesus as His beloved Son, emphasising His divine authority. As advocates for racial justice, we must recognise the divine authority behind our call to dismantle racial barriers and promote equality.
Peter, James, and John were instructed not to reveal what they had witnessed until after Jesus’ resurrection. Learning preaching and advancing racial justice require discernment of timing and trust in God’s providence.
Learning to preach and advancing racial justice are not separate callings but interconnected missions. We must embrace the principles of humility, empowerment, and transformation exemplified by Elisha as he followed Elijah’s mentorship.
Our responsibility is to recognise and expose racial blindness, unveiling God’s glory in all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. As preachers, we must be bearers of God’s light, shining it on racial injustice and advocating for equity.
The transfiguration of Jesus reminds us of the importance of intimate encounters with God, divine authority, and trust in His timing. In our pursuit of racial justice and preaching, let us heed these lessons. We should champion committing ourselves to be vessels through which God’s glory is unveiled, racial barriers are dismantled, and His justice prevails. May we be faithful preachers and advocates for racial equity, embodying the transformative power of God’s love.
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