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College of Preachers Events

Our public events and seminars are open to preachers of all denominations. The list below also includes events run by partner organisations.

We also run private events for churches and dioceses. See Training for more information.

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2024 September

Exploring the Big Questions in Our Preaching

Thursday 19 September, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: Martin Little

Is there a purpose to the universe? If God is good, why does evil exist? Why do the innocent suffer? What is my place in the world? Life in a complex world forces us to confront big questions, many of which have a direct relationship to faith and our spiritual life. In this workshop, Martin Little will help us discover how we can we preach about the big questions so that our congregations can find the confidence to face and explore them for themselves and discuss them with others - even if there is no clear, easy answer.


This workshop will be led by The Revd Martin Little, Vicar of St John the Evangelist in the town of Highbridge, a small church in an area of significant social deprivation within the beautiful county of Somerset. Martin studied History of Art at The University of Edinburgh, and completed an MA in Theology, Ministry, and Mission at Cranmer Hall in Durham in 2017, where he was taught by the biblical scholar Professor Walter Moberly and The Revd Dr Kate Bruce. After a short-lived stint in banking, he spent ten years in youth and music ministry before ordination in the Church of England. Together with The Revd Jo Stobart, Martin is part of the initiative Grass Roots Theology, bringing free open-access theology days to locations around Somerset.

Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach199.

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10

Booking closes 16 September 2024.

2024 October

Preaching from Luke’s Gospel

Tuesday 15th October, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: Neil Richardson

Luke's Gospel opens with Luke's claim to have carefully researched the information that he sets out. What does Luke mean when he says this, and how relevant is it to our preaching from his Gospel? Luke presents us with much that is familiar - the nativity story, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the story of Mary, sitting at Jesus' feet, while Martha is busy with household tasks, the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus' words from the cross to the penitent thief. This workshop will look at how we can use what is familiar (and what is less familiar) in Luke's Gospel to go more deeply into the themes that Luke highlights, such as concern for the outsider. This workshop will also consider those elements that Luke's Gospel shares with the other synoptics, and what is unique to Luke's account of Jesus' life, and how we can address these similarities and differences in our preaching.


The workshop will be led by the Revd Dr Neil Richardson, Methodist minister and former President of the British Methodist Conference, in which role he co-signed with Rowan Williams the Anglican-Methodist Covenant for Unity. Neil is a New Testament scholar, and former Principal of Wesley College, Bristol. He is the author of several works, including Love Answering Love: Praying Through the Bible.

Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach151.

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10

Booking closes 11 October 2024.

2024 November

Preaching for Advent & Christmas

Saturday 2 November, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: John Woods

Advent is a time of waiting, expectation, and hope. It is also a time for self-reflection and preparation for the coming of God's Kingdom. This workshop will explore how we can effectively discuss these themes in our Advent preaching, making connections with the Christmas story and the Christian belief that Jesus will return, bringing the Kingdom of God in all its fullness.


This workshop will be led by Pastor Dr John Woods. This workshop will be led by Dr John Woods. Dr Woods is the Training Director of the School of Preachers Trust. He has had four decades of experience in pastoral work in the UK and since 1993 has taught preaching in Latvia and other parts of Eastern Europe. He is the author of God is in the House.

Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach211.

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10

Booking closes 28 October 2024.

2025 January

Preaching at Baptisms

Tuesday 14 January, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: Jennifer Brown


Christians understand the act of baptism to be a profound moment of change – the point at which one not  only becomes part of the Church, but is also made one with Christ. Even for those who are Christian believers and regular church attenders, this can be a difficult concept to grasp. Those attending the ceremony of baptism, often not regular churchgoers, may have little or even no understanding of the spiritual significance of the rite they are witnessing. In this workshop, we will explore ways to communicate the meaning of baptism, drawing on relevant scriptural passages and the symbols used within the baptism service itself. We will also look at how baptism preaching can be evangelistic, an invitation to those present to start their own journey of faith.


The workshop will be led by the Revd Dr Jennifer Brown. Dr Brown is the Director of Training for the College of Preachers and a parish priest in the Church of England's Oxford Diocese, and has more than a decade's experience as a theological educator.


Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach141

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10

Booking closes 9 January 2025.

2025 February

Preaching the Story of Holy Week

Tuesday 25 February, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: Michael Beck



The events commemorated in Holy Week together tell the story of the last days of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. Dwelling in Holy Week helps us to understand the meaning of the cross and to prepare for the astonishing miracle of Easter. This workshop will explore the narrative that connects these events and consider ways in which our preaching through Holy Week can tell a coherent story of the journey to the cross, while still managing to be effective ‘stand-alone’ sermons.



The workshop will be led by the Revd Dr Michael Beck. Dr Beck has been a priest for 44 years in a variety of settings: mainly parish but also 5 years in a major cathedral, as well as having been a police chaplain and a locum hospital chaplain alongside parochial work. He did his theological training at Kings College London and Lincoln Theological College. His main interests are in preaching and practical theology and he holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Seabury Western Seminary in Chicago. Dr Beck was Director of Reader Ministry for Durham diocese for five years and transferred to Lindisfarne RTP when it was formed, remaining there as a member of the core staff until I 'retired' in 2015. He has since continued as a tutor for Preaching and Theology, Ritual and Pastoral Care as well as tutoring for the Lay Pastoral Ministry Course alongside a continuing active ministry covering for colleagues or with parishes in vacancy for Sundays and Occasional Offices. He has been a member of the College since 1980 and a tutor for over 20 years.


Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach252

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 (discount available when booked together with ‘The language of Resurrection’.)

Booking closes 20 February 2025.

2025 March

Preaching and Apologetics

Saturday 22 March, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: John Woods


“Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3.15)

This workshop will explore the importance of apologetics within the Church, the relationship between preaching and apologetics, and how our sermons can become effective and powerful tools for equipping Christians to think and speak confidently about their faith. The seminar will seek to model how to communicate the Christian message with a clarity and credibility that will engage those who are not yet Christians, so that they can join the dots concerning life, God and the universe. 


This workshop will be led by Rev Dr John Woods, who is the Training Director of the School of Preachers Trust. He has had four decades of experience in pastoral work in the UK and since 1993 has taught preaching in Latvia and other parts of Eastern Europe. He is the author of God is in the House, which seeks to reimagine how we prepare sermons.


Book tickets: link here. When prompted enter the password Preach223.

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10

Booking closes 19 March 2025.

2025 April

The Language of Resurrection: Finding the Right Words

Saturday 2 April, 10.30-13.00 | Online via Zoom

Workshop Leader: Rod Garner


How are preachers to speak meaningfully of the Resurrection in a time where informed opinion is 'led by the science', and many lives are troubled by a quiet desperation concerning humanity's future? Where are the words, images, and the silences between them to be found that honour scripture and tradition while also exploring new ways of conceiving the future hope that flows from the resurrection of Christ?

This workshop is for preachers wishing to engage with such questions in a secular age. Preparing for Holy Week and Easter provides the fitting, even urgent context, in which teaching and faithfulness to the word of God can be  enriched by the fruits of theology and the creative imagination. 



This workshop will be led by Rod Garner, Anglican priest, writer and theologian. Rod has served in four urban parishes and taught at colleges and universities in the UK and America. He is an Honorary Fellow at Liverpool Hope University and Emeritus Canon of Liverpool Cathedral. The author of numerous books, including biographies of St John Henry Newman and Josephine Butler, his most recent publication is Outsiders: Marching to a Different Drum (Liverpool Hope University Press 2022). His research interests have included theories of atonement, and the role of the urban church in the 21st century. He is a Tertiary Member of The Order of the Holy Paraclete.


Book tickets: When prompted enter the password Preach204

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 (discount available when booked together with ‘Preaching the Themes of Lent’ and Preaching the Story of Holy Week’.)

Booking closes 28 March 2025.

Have a suggestion for an event?

If there is a specific topic relating to preaching that you would like us to cover in a workshop or webinar, please let us know. Submit your email address and your suggestion for a workshop, webinar or other event below.