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Recordings of College events.


Why the Old Testament Matters for Christian Preaching. An Interview with Professor John Barton.

Preachers can often find it difficult to preach about giving and the need for congregation members to give to support the life and work of the church. This can be even harder in the midst of a 'cost-of-living crisis'. But churches can't provide ministry or do mission without the gifts of time and money that we receive from our congregations. This interview with Trevor Marshall explores how we can approach the themes of generosity and giving in our preaching and why it is important that we do.

This webinar was first broadcast 2023



Preaching about generosity and giving

Preachers can often find it difficult to preach about giving and the need for congregation members to give to support the life and work of the church. This can be even harder in the midst of a 'cost-of-living crisis'. But churches can't provide ministry or do mission without the gifts of time and money that we receive from our congregations. This interview with Trevor Marshall explores how we can approach the themes of generosity and giving in our preaching and why it is important that we do.

This webinar was first broadcast 2023



Preaching About Farmed Animal Welfare

There is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of our food and how it is produced. Alongside this, recent years have also seen an increasing awareness of animal sentience, and concern for animal suffering. Christians have a responsibility to care for God's creation, including our fellow creatures. This interview with David Clough explores the importance of farmed animal welfare to Christian witness, and how we can incorporate this important issue sensitively into our preaching.

This webinar was first broadcast October 19, 2023 02:15 PM London



Intercultural Preaching

Are we aware of how our own cultural experiences and worldview affect our reading of the Bible and our preaching? Only when we take time to hear and understand one another's cultural experiences and viewpoint can we truly recognise that we are part of a diverse global Church and unlock the wisdom that exists within the whole company of Christ.

With Pam Searle, minister of Sutton Baptist Church in London; Vicky Johnson, Canon Precentor at York Minster; Wale Hudson-Roberts, the Baptist Union’s Racial Justice Co-Ordinator; Eleasah Louis, a doctoral research student at Canterbury Christ Church University; and John Perumbalath, Bishop of Bradwell.

This webinar was first broadcast Tuesday 4 May 2021.



Tom Wright: Preaching in a Time of Crisis

We cannot close our eyes to the problems the world is facing, and yet Christians are called to preach Good News. How can we do that in a time of crisis? How can our preaching both challenge and reassure people by helping them to see God at work even in dark times? New Testament scholar, theologian and former Bishop of Durham, Tom Wright, helps us to explore these questions and look at how we can be effective preachers in a time of crisis.

This webinar was first broadcast Thursday 1 October 2020.​


John Pritchard: The Value of Preaching in Ministry

What is the role of the sermon in today's Church? As our society become more visual, where information is delivered in 240 characters, people want to be moved by the experience of worship, and truth is often felt to be relative, what is the value of preaching in ministry? The Rt Revd John Pritchard, former Bishop of Oxford and author of numerous books on the Christian faith, prayer, and ministry, explores this very important question, looking at the value preaching still brings to ministry and how we, as preachers, can preach with confidence, knowing that what we are offering remains an important and valuable part of ministry today.

This webinar was first broadcast Thursday 17 September 2020.